Learn how Writing Skills Lab was developed to address college readiness gaps by Lumen Learning and the writing and rhetoric team at University of Mississippi.


What does this course cover?

See the learning outcomes for yourself.

All instructional content is outcome-aligned, including curated existing open educational resources (OER) and original new OER developed for this course. Content includes text, video, images, assessments. etc. 

Young man writing

Accessible, interactive content supports all students' success. 

  • Content designed for frequent practice and learning by doing. 

  • Practice questions include adaptive feedback to reinforce correct thinking or redirect mistakes. 

  • Inclusive design following W3C WCAG guidelines for navigation, keyboard accessibility, alt-text, captioning, etc.


I appreciate the fact that Waymaker gives me the ability to use class time for discussions and interactive activities to help improve students’ writing, critical reading, and speaking skills.  Said by Audrey Fish, New Jersey City University


All this for just $25?

Yes. Waymaker courses replace expensive textbooks with well-designed highly effective learning materials. Standard pricing is $25/student per course. Special pricing and payment terms may apply to some institutions, including making Lumen course materials available at no cost to students. 

Hands typing


Waymaker Writing Skills Lab

  • Waymaker Writing Skills Lab focuses on the rhetorical content and strategies that are the baseline of effective college writing but also tend to give students trouble.

  • Course scope gives students a way to master rhetorical concepts and skills in small bites, through practice opportunities and targeted feedback.

  • Instructors can have students work through the material at their own pace or assign portions that align with what they’re covering in class.

  • Updates to course include two new modules, “Reflection” and “Revision." Learn more about the updates in our blog.

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Supplemental Resources? Absolutely!

Fully customizable instructor resources make course design and set-up simple and effective.  See for yourself!

Faculty resources list v2

Writing Skills Lab Study Plan


What's Waymaker Courseware?

Waymaker courseware combines OER content with personalized learning tools and analytics aimed at continuously improving learning, term over term. 

  • Personalized study plans give students immediate feedback so they know where to focus and how to improve. 

  • Automated nudges send timely, personalized messages to students to coach them on better study habits or congratulate them on strong performance. 

  • Early alerts flag struggling students while there's still time to intervene and help where they need it most. 

Waymaker Self-guided Walkthrough

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Coming June 30, 2020!

Lumen Learning will be releasing a new Corequisite Waymaker course for English Composition. This course will cover content traditionally taught in the first half of Composition, but supported with additional content for students to review and practice prerequisite reading and writing skills.