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Looking for an easy-to-use, affordable homework system for your Dana Center course?

Lumen Learning's Online Homework Manager (aka OHM) offers seamless LMS integration, technical support, and the robust features and functionality math faculty rely on to better support their students and gain actionable student performance analytics. Read more about our partnership with the Dana Center here

The following Dana Center Courses are available within OHM:

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Fill out this form to get access to OHM:

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Your school/work email. 
Best during work hours.

Looking for more information on the Dana Center courses?

Drawing from more than three decades of research and experience, the Dana Center’s curriculum places an emphasis on strategies for improving student engagement, motivation, persistence, and success.

All DCMP mathematics courses are designed around eight standards and five learning goals that are aligned with recommendations from national professional mathematics and statistics communities. Learn more about the standards and curriculums here.