Four hot air balloons floating over the Arizona desert landscape

2019 Lumen Community Meetup: 

Join Us!               

Whether you're a veteran or new to Lumen and OER, we invite you to this year's Lumen Community Meetup, a day of participatory workshops and opportunities to explore, connect with colleagues, and apply what you're learning.

Set aside this day for sharing, collaboration with like-minded peers, and digging into topics that might just change where you focus and how you work to support OER adoption. Check out the full program. Topics include:

  • Deep Dive: Helping Students Learn - research insights and faculty sharing about how to optimize learning
  • Deep Dive: Helping Faculty Prepare, Teach, Assess - research insights and faculty sharing about how to optimize course design and teaching
  • Scaling Workshop: Reaching the Tipping Point for OER Adoption
  • OER Champion Panel: "If I'd Known Then What I Know Now"
  • What Are We Measuring: Insights from Lumen's Learning Lab about what we're seeing and doing with learning data to increase student and faculty success, plus provide input into future areas of inquiry


  • When: Tuesday October 29, 2019, 10:00 am to 4:45 pm (one day before the 2019 OpenEd Conference)
  • Where: Renaissance Phoenix Glendale - Arizona
  • What: View Meeting Agenda
  • Cost: Waived
  • Who Should Attend: Faculty, instructional designers, librarians, OER initiative coordinators, campus leaders - anyone interested in supporting OER adoption with a focus on improving learning.

Hotel rooms available through the Open Education Conference hotel block, until it's sold out.

Questions? Send an email to 
